Hello you, hope you've been well, though i doubt you or anyone else ever reads this blog anymore. Is blogspot even "in" this days ?
Recently i've left myself pondering over this question...
Ever wondered how people can affect your life so drastically even though the amount of time they've spent in it can considered rather short.
How can someone who has always been there for me only in the span of 3 years of my life, forever leave an impact so great that 4 years on, i still can never forget.
Can never forget about the many first times, things are done together. List of things goes on forever, so i shan't list it out.
Sometimes i'll seat down and ponder on all the what ifs that happened in our life's, what if we made decisions differently then before will things turn out the same way ? Will our life's be happily ever after or will it be for the worst ? Thats human don you think, always fail to do the "what ifs" and regret for the rest of our lives hoping that the decision we made back then was a sane one.
I guess when i leave for my studies in january, i'll leave everything behind, the memories and the little things that you've made. If things doesn't change when i come back, i'll stop at nothing to make sure all the "what ifs" will come true.