Sunday, 25 April 2010
When the simplest thing doesn't seem simple anymore, what would you do ?When the harder thing seems even harder, what would you do ?
Lost in thoughts once again..
10:46:00 pm
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
17 more working days to go. Can't wait for it to be over ! life gets tougher each other. Guess i'll have to live by this logo, when going gets tougher, the tougher gets going..
Right now, i'm surviving on my left side of the neck. the right side is all stiffed up. age is really catching up with me. Yes i know i'm only turning 21, but it feels like i'm already in my prime... They say men's prime is in their 40s. so i guess we men behave differently from women. We have all sort of problems now at age 20 on.. when we get to late 30s.. We start to have less eh ? haha.. stupid analogy.
hang in there javier..
10:19:00 pm
Friday, 2 April 2010
I'm lost
9:33:00 pm